Standard length: 0.9m, 1.2m, 1.5m, 1.8m, 2.0m
Install:wall-mounted, built-in
continuous operation of over 5000 hours without failure
Commercial Air Curtains, Industrial Air Curtains, Cold Storage Air Curtains, Revolving Doors Air Curtains. Air curtains are designed to be installed above a door or general opening and are designed to create an invisible barrier separating zones of different temperatures. This prevents cool air from escaping in the summer and warm air in the winter. An air curtain will also prevent pollutants like dust, smoke, odours and insects from coming indoors. Unlike a physical barrier the air curtain allows people to enter and leave freely without obstructing the passageway. Air curtains are also used to separate internal rooms with different conditions. An example would be heated areas, areas with strong odours etc. It is widely used in supermarkets, shopping malls, hospitals, hotels, airports, office buildings, cold storage, dust-free workshops, etc.
Practical benefits: Hygienic solution, No logistic or time loss, No obstacles in the passageway, No maintenance costs, Temperatures remain stable in each room, No more flying insects, No risk of damage, Easy application in a passageway to a freezer room without ice forming, Grows with the company(if activities increase, the solution remains functional and effective).

Cross-flow and Centrifugal Air Curtain

The type of wind